Who else has many copies of this photo in their photo library? #IYKYK
@siracusa I was waiting a while for Mastodon to load the picture it in the blue placeholder.
Anway, my annual Long Island vacation photos are up on Instagram, starting here: https://www.instagram.com/p/CvAKHvfOnJN/?igshid=YzcxN2Q2NzY0OA==
John. Why do all the commentators whom I most respect, who all *uniformly* rail against the #Facebook machine, also blithely and happily use #Instagram?
I just don’t get it.
It’s all connected to the same humanity destroying machine.
@siracusa do you have any tips/guides/youtube channels for someone that would like to improve their amateur photography skills? Thanks.
@_rob I don’t, sorry. Most of what I watch on YouTube are gear reviews, but that’s not really what your priority should be when looking to improve your skills.
@siracusa @atgw as someone brand new to astrophotography, I have a LOT of photos of pure black (lens cap on, at varying ISOs and exposure lengths = dark and bias frames to subtract sensor noise), and similar numbers of grey (my dimmed iPad screen resting atop my dew guard = flat frames to subtract dust in the optical train). John, I think it might be a hobby that fills the cockles of your nerd heart. Though I could see Marco going full send on it.
@siracusa Nope. Us amateur photographers have more Live Photo shots featuring a quick pan down to our feet.
I appreciate that you replied! 👍
However, is this *really* one of
those complicated cases?
Respectfully, I would suggest, it is not.
@siracusa I have an album worth of photos from the inside of my pocket of every pair of pants I own.
Not going anywhere near Instagram, but I enjoyed the photos on Glass. 😊
@siracusa @kraigschmidt
The funny thing is that I sense that we have very similar viewpoints on social media, politics, capitalism, etc., but you make more, um, pragmatic choices than I do, lol.
@siracusa how happy are you with the size of the A7III compared to the A6600? Is the increased performance worth the larger size?
@jpowell It’s worth it to me for low-light or up-close situations.