Has a book (or an article) ever been written about “neutrality” in typeface design? Am I forgetting something that has already been published? 🤔
Neutrality seems doomed to failure, yet consistently remains an ideal, it seems to me.
I just find that interesting and would not mind reading something that traced the history and lines of development of this concept.
@litherland https://www.typotheque.com/articles/an-idea-of-a-typeface (also the specimen book, which I can't find on the Typotheque site, so it must be gone)
@litherland @benkiel I was thinking of this, and also Kris on his Untitled types https://klim.co.nz/retail-fonts/untitled-sans/
@letterror @kai Yes, yes, I knew it! I read it at the time, will read it again. My brain is a sieve 🤦♀️