Gil Strang is retiring, and his final lecture is on Monday:
His 18.06 videos are one of the Internet's great treasures. Strongest possible recommend.
gritty reboot of family matters where steve is a teen with a haunted past who falls into flights of fancy, occasionally hallucinating himself as stefan to deal with his ptsd, relitigating his drunk driving hit and run that left a myposian immigrant dead in the cold streets of chicago. in a 3-season long attempt to turn himself in, he develops a crush on a neighbor whose father has been investigating the case but has been unable to connect steve’s catch phrase as both an admission of guilt and attempt to reconcile the past. “Did I do that?” audiences will discover that and more as carl winslow gets closer to discovering the circumstances that led to the murder of balki bartokomous—will he become the next target, or will steve apply pressure to stop an investigation by putting laura’s life in the balance? 3 seasons exclusively on Paramount+.
You know what? I think Oquonie is complete.
For the past two months @rek and I ported a game of ours for its 10th years anniversary since iOS updates broke it beyond repair.
It has been rewritten to target a virtual machine, which should(hopefully) help us keeping it playable. In the next few days I'll release a document that explains how to write an emulator to run the game.
get game:
get emulator:
get source:
BREAKING: "This is not a place of honour? No esteemed deed is commemorated here? Not so fast, says archaeologist Erik Jones, digsite lead